《Write Useful Books: A modern approach to designing and refin》PDF电子书下载

Write Useful Books: A modern approach to designing and refinPDF电子书下载
《Write Useful Books: A modern approach to designing and refin》内容简介
Rob Fitzpatrick / Useful Books Ltd / 2021-7-14 / USD19.9 - - Learn how to:
Scope your book into the world's best solution for a certain type of reader
Test, improve, & iterate your ToC without needing to rewrite anything
Design a engaging reader experience that makes your book a delight to read
Discover the hidden analytics of boredom & confusion to identify book-killing problems & make the most of beta readers
Treat marketing as a temporary activity instead of an ongoing obligation by designing a strong recommendation loop
Evaluate which of the four seed marketing options are best-suited for your goals, constraints, & skills
Write a book that endures & grows for years instead of fading into swift obscurity
Boost long-term growth by optimizing your pricing, platforms, & purchase funnel

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