《Cracking the PM Interview》PDF电子书下载

Cracking the PM InterviewPDF电子书下载
《Cracking the PM Interview》内容简介
Gayle Laakmann McDowell、Jackie Bavaro / CareerCup / 2013-12-2 / USD 34.24 -

How many pizzas are delivered in Manhattan? How do you design an alarm clock for the blind? What is your favorite piece of software and why? How would you launch a video rental service in India? This book will teach you how to answer these questions and more.
Cracking the PM Interview is a comprehensive book about landing a product management role in a startup or bigger tech company. Learn how the ambiguously-named "PM" (product manager / program manager) role varies across companies, what experience you need, how to make your existing experience translate, what a great PM resume and cover letter look like, and finally, how to master the interview: estimation questions, behavioral questions, case questions, product questions, technical questions, and the super important "pitch."

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