《Last Summer at Bluefish Cove》PDF电子书下载

Last Summer at Bluefish CovePDF电子书下载
《Last Summer at Bluefish Cove》内容简介
Jane Chambers / JH Press / 1984-5-1 / $6.95 -

Last Summer at Bluefish Cove is a play by Jane Chambers. It is a landmark piece in Lesbian dramatic literature as the first mainstream play of its kind. The play focuses on the friendships and journeys of the eight women at Bluefish Cove, and was one of the first pieces of theatre to present lesbians as rounded, three dimensional characters, avoiding the problematic and homophobic tropes that had been necessary to portray queer stories on stage. Chambers' comedic dialogue, sensitivity to human nature and tender treatment of her characters help the play transcend preconceptions and show the universality of these women's journeys, whether straight or gay.

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