《Computability and Logic》PDF电子书下载

Computability and LogicPDF电子书下载
《Computability and Logic》内容简介
George S. Boolos、John P. Burgess、Richard C. Jeffrey / Cambridge University Press / 2007-09-17 / USD -

Computability and Logic has become a classic because of its accessibility to students without a mathematical background and because it covers not simply the staple topics of an intermediate logic course, such as Godel's incompleteness theorems, but also a large number of optional topics, from Turing's theory of computability to Ramsey's theorem. This 2007 fifth edition has been thoroughly revised by John Burgess. Including a selection of exercises, adjusted for this edition, at the end of each chapter, it offers a simpler treatment of the representability of recursive functions, a traditional stumbling block for students on the way to the Godel incompleteness theorems. This updated edition is also accompanied by a website as well as an instructor's manual.

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