《Karl Blossfeldt》PDF电子书下载

Karl BlossfeldtPDF电子书下载
《Karl Blossfeldt》内容简介
Adam, Hans Christian / Taschen GmbH / 2014-2-25 / $35.00 -

Karl Blossfeldt的单色照片呈现了对各种植物的半抽象研究,弥合了19世纪和20世纪的图像制作世界,并为二维媒介带来了独特的雕塑感。本卷收集了所有已知的已出版的图片,每张图片都依然美丽特异,捕捉到了植物与生俱来的视觉诗意和形式上的优雅。
Karl Blossfeldt’ s monochrome photographs present semiabstracted studies of diverse flora, bridging the 19th- and 20th-century worlds of image-making and bringing a distinctly sculptural aspect to a two-dimensional medium. This volume collects all known published images, each one still beautifully idiosyncratic, capturing the innate visual poetry and formal elegance of plants.

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