《Cuba La Lucha》PDF电子书下载

Cuba La LuchaPDF电子书下载
《Cuba La Lucha》内容简介
Carl De Keyzer / Lannoo Publishers / 2016-5-4 -

马格南摄影师Carl De Keyzer通过令人震撼的摄影来捕获古巴的二元性。他去了古巴,并从这个分裂的国家带回来了令人惊讶的,大多数让人悲喜交加的照片。
Fidel Castro在一张墙上的海报,而另一个人穿着一件印有“联邦调查局”的短袖衬衫。四个古巴人正在一家银行取钱,而他们头上Che Guevara的肖像盯着他们。在他的新书中,作者在照片中捕获了古巴的二元性。以他的大师级的眼光,刻画了一个依旧扎根于共产主义,却又联通着西方的资本主义的国家。
Magnum photographer Carl De Keyzer went to Cuba and came back with surprising, often tragicomical pictures of a split country. Fidel Castro on a wall poster, while a man in the same picture wears a T-shirt emblazoned with' FBI'. Four Cubans withdrawing money in a bank, while Che Guevara watches them from a portrait above their heads.
In his new photography book, with an introduction by curator and publicist Gabriela Salgado, Carl De Keyzer captures Cuba's duality in pictures. With a master's eye, he paints the picture of a country that is still rooted in communism, while reaching for Western capitalism.

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