《Birds of the Photo Ark》PDF电子书下载

Birds of the Photo ArkPDF电子书下载
《Birds of the Photo Ark》内容简介
Noah Strycker、Joel Sartore / National Geographic / 2018-3-6 / USD 30 - Savor the colors, treasure the details, and marvel at the intricate behaviors of more than 300 species of birds reflected in the striking book by award-winning photographer Joel Sartore and birder extraordinaire Noah Strycker. Remarkable photographic portraits from Sartore’s National Geographic Photo Ark project and Strycker’s inspiring words portray the diversity of birds from around the world in all their glory– and bring a critical message of hope and care. Every bird has a story to tell and a role to play in preserving the beauty and livelihood of our planet. Together, Sartore and Strycker help us listen to their songs.

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