《The Fall of the University of Cape Town》PDF电子书下载

The Fall of the University of Cape TownPDF电子书下载
《The Fall of the University of Cape Town》内容简介
David Benatar / Politicsweb Publishing / 2021-11-9 / USD 25.74 -

Destructive forces have been eroding the University of Cape Town, Africa’s leading university. This book tells the sad, true tale of what has been transpiring. It is a saga of lunacy, criminality, pandering, and identity politics. The mad and the bad – the deranged, deluded, the depraved – have been granted endless latitude in bullying and abusing others.
The decline began in 2015 with the Rhodes Must Fall protest that resulted in the offending statue’s removal within a month, and which spawned similar protests abroad. Emboldened by their local success, the protestors issued new and ever-increasing demands later that year and then again in 2016 and 2017. Their methods also became criminal – including intimidation, assault, and arson. The university leadership capitulated to this behaviour, and this fostered a broader and now pervasive toxic environment within the institution.
These developments offer important lessons for universities around the world that are yielding to the forces of a faux “progressivism”.

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