《Red Revolution, Green Revolution》PDF电子书下载

Red Revolution, Green RevolutionPDF电子书下载
《Red Revolution, Green Revolution》内容简介
Singrid Schmalzer / University of Chicago Press / 2016-3-18 / GBP 34.00 -

In 1968, the director of USAID coined the term “green revolution” to celebrate the new technological solutions that promised to ease hunger around the world—and forestall the spread of more “red,” or socialist, revolutions. Yet in China, where modernization and scientific progress could not be divorced from politics, green and red revolutions proceeded side by side.
In Red Revolution, Green Revolution, Sigrid Schmalzer explores the intersection of politics and agriculture in socialist China through the diverse experiences of scientists, peasants, state agents, and “educated youth.” The environmental costs of chemical-intensive agriculture and the human costs of emphasizing increasing production over equitable distribution of food and labor have been felt as strongly in China as anywhere—and yet, as Schmalzer shows, Mao-era challenges to technocracy laid important groundwork for today’s sustainability and food justice movements. This history of “scientific farming” in China offers us a unique opportunity not only to explore the consequences of modern agricultural technologies but also to engage in a necessary rethinking of fundamental assumptions about science and society.
“Sigrid Schmalzer creates an entirely new vision of the meaning and significance of “scientific farming” in China during the Mao era.….[A] must-read not only for modern China scholars but also for those who are interested in the history of science as political and social process, and in ongoing efforts to shed light on the possibilities of putting science to work in the service of greater equality and dignity for the world’s rural poor.”
(American Historical Review)
"At its core, this book is about socialist China's uses of science and technology to improve food production and the sociopolitical changes over time that have affected those involved in modern farming and agriculture. Cautioning that the Mao era was not one of unmitigated totalitarian oppression and ecological disaster, his

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