《On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State》PDF电子书下载

On the Medieval Origins of the Modern StatePDF电子书下载
《On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State》内容简介
Joseph R. Strayer / Princeton University Press / 2005-8-7 / USD 23.95 -
The modern state, however we conceive of it today, is based on a pattern that emerged in Europe in the period from 1100 to 1600. Written from the experience of a lifetime of teaching and research in the field, this short, clear book is the classic work on what is known about the early history of the European state. Charles Tilly's foreword shows how Strayer's book set the agenda for a whole generation of historical analysts, not just in medieval history but also in the comparative study of state formation. William Chester Jordan's foreword addresses the scholarly and pedagogical setting within which Strayer produced his book, and how this both enhanced its accessibility and informed its focus on peculiarly English and French accomplishments in early state-building.

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