《Inside The Centre》PDF电子书下载

Inside The CentrePDF电子书下载
《Inside The Centre》内容简介
Ray Monk / 2013 / GBP 30.00 -

J. Robert Oppenheimer is among the most contentious & important figures of the twentieth century. As head of the Los Alamos Laboratory, he oversaw the successful effort to beat the Nazis to develop the first atomic bomb – a breakthrough which was to have eternal ramifications for mankind, & made Oppenheimer the 'father of the Bomb'.
But his was not a simple story of assimilation, scientific success & world fame. A complicated & fragile personality, the implications of the discoveries at Los Alamos were to weigh heavily upon him. Having formed suspicious connections in the 1930s, in the wake of the Allied victory in World War Two, Oppenheimer’s attempts to resist the escalation of the Cold War arms race would lead many to question his loyalties – & set him on a collision course with Senator Joseph McCarthy & his witch hunters.
Oppenheimer’s talent & drive secured him a place in the pantheon of great physicists & carried him to the laboratories where the secrets of the universe revealed themselves. But they also led him to contribute to the development of the deadliest weapon on earth, a discovery he soon came to fear. His attempts to resist the escalation of the Cold War arms race—coupled with political leanings at odds with post-war America—led many to question his loyalties, & brought down upon him the full force of McCarthyite anti-communism. Digging deeply into Oppenheimer’s past to solve the enigma of his motivations & his complex personality, Ray Monk uncovers the extraordinary, charming, tortured man—& the remarkable mind—who fundamentally reshaped the world.

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