《Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire》PDF电子书下载

Harry Potter and the Goblet of FirePDF电子书下载
《Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire》内容简介
J.K. Rowling / Bloomsbury Press / 2011-1-18 / CAD 32.00 -

The summer holidays are dragging on and Harry Potter can't wait for the start of the school year. It is his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and there are spells to be learnt and (unluckily) Potions and Divination lessons to be attended. But Harry can't know that the atmosphere is darkening around him, and his worst enemy is preparing a fate that it seems will be inescapable ...With characteristic wit, fast-paced humour and marvellous emotional depth, J.K. Rowling has proved herself yet again to be a master story-teller.

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