《His Master's Voice》PDF电子书下载

His Master's VoicePDF电子书下载
《His Master's Voice》内容简介
[波兰] 斯坦尼斯瓦夫·莱姆 (Stanisław Lem) / [美] 迈克尔·坎德尔 (Michael Kandel) / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich / 1983-2 / - "Translated from the Polish by Michael Kandel" and "A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book" on title page.
On copyright page:"First edition"
"Copyright (c) 1968", "English translation (c) 1983"
$12.95 price and "Translated by Michael Kandel" on jacket front flap.
"Jacket illustration: detail of René Magritte, Le Siecle des Lumieres" on back flap.
His Master's Voice (original Polish title: Głos Pana) is a 1960s science fiction novel written by Polish writer Stanisław Lem. It was first published in 1968 and translated into English by Michael Kandel in 1983. The book incorporates a "message from space" theme. It is a densely philosophical first contact story about an effort by scientists to decode, translate, and understand an extraterrestrial transmission. The novel critically approaches humanity's intelligence and intentions in deciphering and truly comprehending a message from outer space. It is considered to be one of the three best-known books by Lem, the other two being Solaris and The Cyberiad.
Twenty-five hundred scientists have been herded into an isolated site in the Nevada desert. A neutrino message of extraterrestrial origin has been received and the scientists, under the surveillance of the Pentagon, labor on His Master's Voice, the secret program set up to decipher the transmission. Among them is Peter Hogarth, an eminent mathematician. When the project reaches a stalemate, Hogarth pursues clandestine research into the classified TX Effect--another secret breakthrough. But when he discovers, to his horror, that the TX Effect could lead to the construction of a fission bomb, Hogarth decides such knowledge must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the military.

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