《The Governess and Other Stories》PDF电子书下载

The Governess and Other StoriesPDF电子书下载
《The Governess and Other Stories》内容简介
Zweig, Stefan / Bell, Anthea、安西娅·贝尔 / 2011-7 / $ 17.62 -

These four stories illustrate the wide range of Zweig's subject matter dating from quite early in his career as a writer of fiction ("The Governess", rooted in a world of strict Edwardian morality), to late ("Did He Do It?", almost an English detective story set near Bath, where Zweig lived in exile). In addition "The Miracles of Life", set in 16th-century Antwerp during the time of Protestant iconoclasm, and "Downfall of a Heart" both address the theme of anti-Semitism.

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