《Learning the Yahoo! User Interface library》PDF电子书下载

Learning the Yahoo! User Interface libraryPDF电子书下载
《Learning the Yahoo! User Interface library》内容简介
Dan Wellman / Packt Publishing / March 2008 / USD 44.99 -

Learning the Yahoo! User Interface Library introduces the popular open-source YUI JavaScript library and takes the user through each of the fully released components in detail looking at the classes that make up each component and the properties and methods that can be used. It includes a series of practical examples to reinforce how each component should/can be used. Author Dan Wellman takes the reader from beginner to advanced-level YUI usage and understanding.
>In Detail
The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML, and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.
This book covers all released components whether utility, control, core file, or CSS tool. Methods of the YAHOO Global Object are used and discussed throughout the book.
The basics of each control will be presented, along with a detailed example showing its use to create complex, fully featured, cross-browser, Web 2.0 user interfaces.
Besides giving you a deep understand of the YUI library, this book will expand your knowledge of object-oriented JavaScript programming, as well as strengthen your understanding of the DOM and CSS.
You will learn to create a number of powerful JavaScript controls that can be used straight away in your own applications.
>What you will learn from this book
a、Explore the YUI Library—utilities, controls, core files, and CSS tools
b、Install the library and get up and running with it
c、Handle DOM manipulation and scripting
d、Get inside Event Handling with YUI
e、Create consistent web pages using YUI CSS tools
f、Work with Containers—implementation, skinning, adding transitions, and tabs
g、Debug, maintain, and update applications with the Logger control

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