《Microservice Patterns》PDF电子书下载

Microservice PatternsPDF电子书下载
《Microservice Patterns》内容简介
Chris Richardson / Manning / 2017-9 / GBP 38.44 -

The monolithic architecture works well for small, simple applications. However, successful applications have a habit of growing. Eventually the development team ends up in what is known as monolithic hell. All aspects of software development and deployment become painfully slow. The solution is to adopt the microservice architecture, which structures an application as a services, organized around business capabilities. This architecture accelerates software development and enables continuous delivery and deployment of complex software applications.
Microservice Patterns teaches enterprise developers and architects how to build applications with the microservice architecture. Rather than simply advocating for the use the microservice architecture, this clearly-written guide takes a balanced, pragmatic approach. You'll discover that the microservice architecture is not a silver bullet and has both benefits and drawbacks. Along the way, you'll learn a pattern language that will enable you to solve the issues that arise when using the microservice architecture. This book also teaches you how to refactor a monolithic application to a microservice architecture.

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