
陈繁昌 / 科学出版社 / 2009-1 / 88.00元 - 《国外数学名著系列(续1)(影印版)38:图像处理与分析(变分,PDE,小波及随机方法)》主要内容:Image Processing and Analysis: Variational, PDE, Wavelet, andStochastic Methods is systematic and well organized, The authorsfirst investigate the geometric, functional, and atomic structures ofimages and then rigorously develop and analyze several imageprocessors. The book is comprehensive and integrative, covering thefour most powerful classes of mathematical tools in contemporaryimage analysis and processing while exploring their intrinsicconnections and integration. The material is balanced in theory andcomputation, following a solid theoretical analysis of model buildingand performance with computational implementation and numericalexamples.
This book is written for graduate students and researchers inapplied mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, andother disciplines who are interested in problems in imaging andcomputer vision. It can be used as a reference by scientists withspecific tasks in image processing, as well as by researchers with ageneral interest in finding out about the latest advances.

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