《Web Design for Developers》PDF电子书下载

Web Design for DevelopersPDF电子书下载
《Web Design for Developers》内容简介
Brian P. Hogan / Pragmatic Bookshelf / 2010-1-6 / USD 26.75 -

Developers don't get to spend a lot of time thinking about design, but many secretly wish they knew how to make their applications look just a little bit better. This book takes you on a journey through a web site redesign, where you'll learn the basic concepts of design, color theory, typography, and accessibility. You'll learn how to take a sketch and transform it into a digital mock up in Photo shop, and then finally into a working web page. You'll see how to develop logos, icons, and buttons using Illustrator and Photo shop, and then code a web page that will load fast, be easy to maintain, and most of all, be accessible to photo shop audiences.

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