
Baase / 高等教育出版社 / 2001-7-1 / 39.5 -

内容:1. 算法分析原理 2. 数据抽象与基本数据结构 3. 递归与归纳 4. 分类 5. 选择 6. 动态集合与查找 7. 图与图的遍历 8. 图的优化问题与贪心算法 9. 传递闭包 10. 动态编程 11. 字符串匹配 12. 多项式与矩阵 13. NP-完备性问题 14. 并行算法 附录 Java实例与技术作者简介:
Sara Baase is professor of computer Science at San Diego University and has been teaching CS for 25years.Dr.Baase is a three-time recipient of the San State University Alumni Association's Outsatanding Faculty Award,adn she has written a number of textbooks in the areas of algorithms,assembly language,and social and ethical issues relate to computing.She earned her doctorate at the University of California,Berkeley.
Allen Van Celder is professor of computer Science at the University of California at Santa Cruz,where he has been teaching CS for 12 years.He received his Ph.D.in Computer Science at Stanford University and is a past recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator Award.

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