《The Millionaire Fastlane》PDF电子书下载

The Millionaire FastlanePDF电子书下载
《The Millionaire Fastlane》内容简介
MJ DeMarco / Viperion Publishing / 2011-12-4 / USD 22.95 -
Many people believe that the most reliable way to acquire wealth must be a slow-paced process. It requires factors such as good grades, working hard, salary rises, getting promotions, fixed deposits, making investments with 10% of your capital, as well as pension plans. The Millionaire Fastlane, on the contrary, demonstrates the vital deficiencies of this commonly known as “Get Rich Slow” concept, and proposes a new theory called the Fastlane. What is the Fastlane? What are the strategies behind this new idea? How are ordinary people like us supposed to switch lanes and become millionaires? This book will reveal these secrets to you.

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